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    • B
      Bwill205 replied to the thread Cam Dowel Pin.
      Don’t buy the $150 cams from eBay
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    • B
      Bwill205 replied to the thread Cam Dowel Pin.
      It’s not…eBay sellers suck. But I ordered one from the Mopar store on Amazon. Hopefully it’s genuine
    • B
      Bwill205 replied to the thread Cam Dowel Pin.
      It’s an oem cam and I sent the seller pics they’re shipping me out a new one. Also told me to keep the damaged one. I’ll keep it as a...
    • B
      I know the dowel pin is for lining up the cam. But on my replacement cam it looks a little boogered. Is this ok or no. Just wondering if...
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