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    • danmit37
      danmit37 reacted to Docwagon1776's post in the thread Never use Rainx??? with Like Like.
      I've used Rain-x for years, including the washer treatment version. Softening glass sounds like BS. I'll gladly take the increased...
    • danmit37
      danmit37 reacted to bgenlvtex's post in the thread Never use Rainx??? with Like Like.
      I'd like to hear the science behind RainX "softening the glass"
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Random Car Picture Thread.
      • IMG_1912.JPG
      • IMG_1885.JPG
    • danmit37
      danmit37 reacted to ramffml's post in the thread Help with gas milage! with Like Like.
      I'm one of those guys who can easily hit 22+ mpg on the highway. But right now with some mixed driving, winter fuel, and remote starts...
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Alpha OBD help.
      Oops. I didn’t even pay attention to the date. Saw the thread and got all excited that I had an answer. lol
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Alpha OBD help.
      I had the same issue with my 2017. Went 2 years and couldn't figure it out. Nothing in AlphaOBD would correct it. Talked to Alpharex...
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Alpha obd.
      I havne't tried yet. I did find a good YouTube video on there. Looks like there is no quick fix, you basically have to go in and...
    • danmit37
      danmit37 reacted to RamDiver's post in the thread Alpha obd with Like Like.
      Yes, I've likely tweaked tire sizes about a dozen times. More with the first set, my Winter wheels last November/December. I'm still...
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Alpha obd.
      @RamDiver you have any experience changing tire size on Alfa? I got to it and entered my new circumference, but it wouldn’t take. Gave...
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Alpha obd.
      It's not through Mopar.
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Alpha obd.
      When I bought the truck (in the US), they put an extended warranty on it, in case the FCA warranty gets rejected. They said some...
    • danmit37
      danmit37 reacted to Jerrybob's post in the thread Do 5th gens get hemi tick? with Like Like.
      I agree.....use a good synthetic oil......I don't use any additives.....oil gets changed every 7000 miles. Good luck.
    • danmit37
      danmit37 replied to the thread Alpha obd.
      @RamDiver I followed your instructions in posts 8/12. I didn’t change the country code bc of the warranty questions, but the other 3...
    • danmit37
      I ended up ordering the Outlaw.
    • danmit37
      I haven't noticed any yet....but now I feel like I need to crawl under the truck this weekend and give it a deeper look. I will report...
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