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      Davidwith22Ram reacted to dhay13's post in the thread New trailer with Like Like.
      CAT scale will be your best friend here. Only about $13 for the first weigh then like $3 for the next one if at the same scale within 24...
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      Davidwith22Ram replied to the thread New trailer.
      Yeah I watched a few videos now and I think I know how it should be done. Gotta find some flat ground do some measurements and probably...
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      Davidwith22Ram replied to the thread New trailer.
      Ok yeah I better re evaluate how the dealership sent me away with WDH. Watch a few videos and try and set it up
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      Davidwith22Ram reacted to crash68's post in the thread New trailer with Like Like.
      This sounds like a issue for the payload police..LOL! It's not the weight that the problem, it is how that weight is distributed around...
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      Davidwith22Ram reacted to turkeybird56's post in the thread New trailer with Like Like.
      Like crash said post #2. R you even using a WDH because wat u related goes back to improper tow wdh setup and improper tongue weight...
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      I used to pull a 20 ft Gvrw 5800 lb travel trailer behind my 2022 Ram Warlock 5.7 Hemi with no issues. Hardly knew it was back there...
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