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      Big Bocephus replied to the thread ABS module.
      I hear you. My first truck was a 94 Ranger 4-Banger with no power steering, AC, and a manual transmission. I drove it all over Kansas...
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      Big Bocephus reacted to Scottly's post in the thread ABS module with Like Like.
      For the record, ABS doesn't reduce braking distance. All it does is allow you to maintain steering control during hard braking in...
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      Big Bocephus reacted to RamDiver's post in the thread ABS module with Like Like.
      Depending on your experience, I wouldn't hesitate to pop the ABS module out (or have it removed by your trusted mechanic) and ship it...
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      Big Bocephus replied to the thread ABS module.
      I have the same exact issue as the original poster. Unfortunately, right now the 2016 is not under recall as far as I can see. I think...
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